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Journal Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement
At the International Islamic Marketing Association (IIMA), upholding the integrity of our academic content and publishing process is of utmost importance, adhering to the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This document details the best practice principles that we adhere to when producing our journals.
Our commitment to upholding high standards and principles is reflected in the following:
Apart from the aforementioned general principles, we anticipate that our journal editorial teams will furnish authors with subject-specific guidelines and policies pertaining to research integrity and ethics, in accordance with their respective areas of study and discipline.
If anyone suspects that research published by IIMA does not align with these Publishing Ethics, they should notify the relevant editor or send an email to . Concerns will be resolved by adhering to COPE guidelines, if applicable, and/or by escalating the issue to IIMA's Publishing Ethics Committee if required. Professor Baker Alserhan, IIMA's President, serves as the committee's Chair.
Our commitment to upholding editorial independence is unwavering. We endeavor to ensure that this principle is not compromised under any circumstances, including competing interests, fear, or any corporate, financial, or political influence. Our editorial procedures embody this unwavering commitment to editorial independence.
We maintain a non-discriminatory approach towards authors, editors, and peer reviewers, irrespective of their personal characteristics or identity. Our pledge is to integrate diversity, eliminate obstacles to inclusion, and foster equality at every stage of our publication process. We proactively solicit and welcome contributions from scholars from varied backgrounds.
Decisions regarding manuscripts submitted to our journals are made by external academic editors, based on unbiased peer review reports. We strongly encourage all journals to publicize their policies and procedures for reviewing editorial decisions. Please refer to individual journals for information regarding their process. We accept appeals against editorial decisions when there is new information that is relevant to the editorial decision or if there is reason to suspect a violation of our Code of Ethics or these Academic Research Publishing Ethics Guidelines. If you have any concerns and want to file a complaint or appeal, please contact , or the relevant journal contact provided in the journal's appeals process.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards abusive behavior or communication aimed at our staff or individuals involved in the publishing process on our behalf. If anyone involved in this process engages in such behavior, we reserve the right to take appropriate action to safeguard others from this type of abuse. This may include, but is not limited to, withdrawing a manuscript from consideration or contesting blatantly abusive peer review comments.
Peer review is critical to maintaining the standards of our publications. We:
Our journals don’t allow co-reviewing. We follow a double blind review process.
We recognize that different fields and publication formats adhere to distinct conventions when determining authorship. In the absence of specific guidelines, we propose the following principles:
The corresponding author’s specific responsibilities include:
We recommend that authors acknowledge individuals who do not meet the criteria for authorship in a separate Acknowledgments section of their publication, with their consent. This provides an opportunity to recognize those who have provided research or writing assistance, for example.
Any article affiliations should represent the institution(s) at which the research presented was conducted and/or supported and/or approved. For non-research content, any affiliations should represent the institution(s) with which each author is currently affiliated.
Plagiarism is when one uses someone else's words, ideas, data, or any other material without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism can occur in various types of sources and media, including but not limited to:
We have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism in all our publications, and we have the right to use appropriate plagiarism checking tools to verify all submissions. Manuscripts that contain suspected plagiarism, either in part or in full, will be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication, we will adhere to the guidelines set out in the Retractions, Corrections, and Expressions of Concern section of these guidelines. We encourage our readers, reviewers, and editors to report any suspicions of plagiarism by contacting the relevant editor.
Duplicate and Redundant Publication
A work or significant parts of it being published multiple times by the same author(s) without appropriate cross-referencing or justification for the overlap is considered duplicate or redundant publication, also known as "self-plagiarism". This can occur in the same language or different languages. IIMA doesn’t support substantial overlap between publications, unless:
We expect our readers, reviewers and editors to raise any suspicions of duplicate or redundant publication, by contacting the relevant editor.
When authors submit manuscripts to our journals, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless a journal is explicit that it does not have an exclusive submission policy. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow our Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record.
If you're using a thesis as the basis for a manuscript, you should revise the material to fit the style guidelines of the relevant journal. To avoid self-plagiarism, be sure to cite and reference any quotes or figures that are taken from the thesis. If the thesis has been published by a third-party publisher and is available to the public, you may need to obtain permission from the publisher before submitting your manuscript to a journal. Additionally, the cover letter should mention that the manuscript draws on a thesis. For non-research content, make sure that each author's affiliation reflects their current institutional affiliation.
Research involving humans or animals should be approved by relevant ethics committee(s) and should conform to international ethical and legal standards for research. We also expect authors to respect human participants’ right to privacy, and to gain any necessary consent to publish before submitting to us. For information on whether authors are required to submit or include evidence regarding the above, please consult individual journal submission guidelines or contact the relevant journal editor.
At IIMA, we make every effort to maintain the impartiality of our publications. To this end, we ask authors, employees, editors, and reviewers of IIMA publications to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may impact the objectivity or integrity of a publication. Such conflicts may arise from financial, professional, contractual, personal, or other sources, and could be perceived as exerting undue influence on the presentation, review, or publication of a work. Additionally, we encourage individuals who suspect undisclosed conflicts of interest regarding a published or under-review work to inform the relevant editor. Many of our publications require a funding declaration in addition to a competing interest declaration; please consult the relevant journal editor for specific requirements.
Freedom of expression is critical to us as academic publishers, but we do not support publishing false statements that harm the reputation of individuals, groups, or organizations and we will address allegations of libel in any of our publications.
Journal editors will consider retractions, corrections or expressions of concern in line with COPE’s Retraction Guidelines. If an author is found to have made an error, the journal will issue a corrigendum. If the journal is found to have made an error, they will issue an erratum. Retractions are usually reserved for articles that are so seriously flawed that their findings or conclusions should not be relied upon, or that contain substantial plagiarism or life-endangering content. Journals that publish Accepted Manuscripts may make minor changes such as those which would likely occur during copyediting, typesetting or proofreading, but any substantive corrections will be carried out in line with COPE’s Retraction Guidelines.
In exceptional cases, we may remove an article from online publication where we believe it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. This includes, without limitation, where we have concerns that the article is defamatory, violates personal privacy or confidentiality laws, is the subject of a court order, or might pose a serious health risk to the general public. In these circumstances, we may decide to remove the article and publish a notice that clearly states why the full article has been removed.
Where research data are collected or presented as images, modifying these images can sometimes misrepresent the results obtained or their significance. We recognize that there can be legitimate reasons for modifying images, but we expect authors to avoid modifying images where this leads to the falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of their results.
Where we are made aware of fraudulent research or research misconduct by an IIMA author, our first concern is the integrity of content we have published. We work with the relevant editors and appropriate institutions or organizations to investigate. Any publication found to include fraudulent results will be retracted, or an appropriate correction or expression of concern will be issued. Please see the Retractions, Corrections and Expressions of Concern section of these guidelines for more information.
We strive to follow COPE’s Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing and encourage our publishing partners to uphold these same principles.
We support transparency and openness around data, code, and other materials associated with research, we expect authors to maintain precise records of supporting evidence to enable others to comprehend, verify, and replicate new findings. Furthermore, authors should provide or allow access to this supporting evidence upon reasonable request. When appropriate and permitted by their employer, funding body, or other relevant parties, we encourage authors to
Additionally, many of our publications allow authors to submit supplementary materials that are not necessary for inclusion in the main text but could be beneficial to the reader. Please assume that data, code, and other materials or supplementary files will not be peer-reviewed unless otherwise specified.
Integrity of Record
We maintain a record of the existence of everything we publish with information (metadata) describing each publication. If our content is deemed not to comply with the laws of a sovereign nation, we make every effort to ensure the metadata remain accessible within that jurisdiction. Where we are obliged to alter the publication record in any way, such as in the case of research misconduct leading to retraction of a publication, we preserve the academic record as far possible. See the Retractions, Corrections and Expressions of Concern of these guidelines for information about how we do this.
Ethical Business Practices
All of our journals allow free or low-cost access to our digital content for researchers.
We will never be complicit in censorship. IIMA is fully committed to the principle and promotion of freedom of speech and expression. Our goal is to disseminate knowledge to the widest possible audience, and to serve the academic community in all countries around the world. We also support COPE’s Statement on Censorship.
Social media and email communication are powerful tools for disseminating and engaging with our publications, for reaching new readers and for keeping content alive. However, such onward communication should never be at the expense of the integrity of the content or of the academic record. All colleagues with responsibility for our social media channels are expected to familiarize themselves with and follow the Advertising Standards Authority’s Guidance on the Marketing of Publications. Colleagues are also expected to apply these policies and this guidance when using external influencers during a social media campaign.
On our online academic content platform and some print publications, we permit limited, suitable, and selectively targeted advertising. Any advertisements must meet the following requirements:
We recommend Academic colleagues who are involved in media or publicity familiarize themselves with and follow the International Public Relations Association’s Code of Conduct, and observe these standards in any press releases or other media communications. Where we solicit or encourage media activities concerning one of our authors, editors or publishing partners, we strive to keep them informed.
تتولّى الهيئة العالمية للتسويق الإسلامي مسؤولية إصدار المجلة. وتُقبل الأبحاث العلميّة استناداً إلى محتواها الفكريّ، بغضّ النظر عن جنس مؤلّفيها أو أفكارهم أو أصولهم العرقيّة أو جنسيّاتهم أو فلسفتهم السّياسيّة، وترى الهيئة في الالتزام بأخلاقيات النّشر المِهْنية أهمّيّة قصوى يجب على الباحثين والمحكَّمين والمحرّرين والناشرين وضعها في عين الاعتبار وفي أعلى سُلم أولوياتهم.
وفيما يلي بيان أخلاقيات النّشر العلميّ، ويتضمّن لوائح وأنظمة أخلاقية خاصّة برئيس التحرير وأعضاء هيئة التحرير والمحكّمين والباحثين، كما يتوافق مع مبادئ لجنة أخلاقيات النّشر العالميّة (COPE) ، ومتطلبات بيان أخلاقيات النّشر (Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement).
رئيس التّحرير:
يتولّى رئيس تحرير المجلة بالتعاون مع هيئة التحرير وذوي الاختصاص من خارج هيئة التحرير مسؤولية اختيار المحكّمين المناسبين وَفْقا لموضوع البحث واختصاص المحكّم بسرّيّة تامة.
أعضاء هيئة تحرير المجلة:
للمجلة هيئة تحرير يتمتّع أعضاؤها بالخبرة والمعرفة في مجال اختصاصاتهم؛ وأسماؤهم واهتماماتهم الأكاديميّة منشورة بالكامل على موقع المجلّة الإلكترونيّ، ومن مهامّهم ما يلي:
يجبُ على الباحثين ضمان أصالة أبحاثهم واستيفائها للمعايير المِهْنيّة والأخلاقيّة العالية للباحثين، و يترتّبُ على ذلك ما يلي:
التّحكيم والمحكّمون:
تعتبر عمليّة تحكيم البحث العلميّ من أصحاب الاختصاص مرحلةً رئيسةً من مراحل النّشر العلميّ، كما أنّ من سياسة المؤتمر التأكّد من مِهْنيّة عمل المحكّمين والتزامهم بالقوانين الأخلاقيّة، ويترتّبُ على ذلك ما يلي:
الانتحال (السّرقة الأدبيّة):
الانتحال أوِ السّرقة الأدبيّة سلوكً غير أخلاقيّ في مجال البحث والنّشر العلميّ، وبالتالي يرفضُ جملةً وتفصيلاً. ويترتّبُ على ذلك ما يلي:
ازدواجيّة الأبحاث المقدّمة:
أخلاقيّات النّشر:
يتم التخاذ خطواتٍ عمليّةً لمنعِ نشرِ الأبحاث التي جرى فيها ارتكابُ مخالفات تتعلّق بالسّلوك البحثيّ، وعلى أيّ حال؛ فإنّ المؤتمر لا يسمح بمثل هذا السّلوك.
حقوق النّشر:
يتمّ نقلُ حقوق النّشر إلى المؤتمر عند إخطار الباحث بقَبول بحثه.
تحتفظُ المجلة بنسخٍ ورقيّةٍ وأرشيفٍ إلكترونيٍّ للأعداد الصّادرة.
موقع المجلةعلى شبكة الإنترنت:
يبيّنُ موقع المجلة مدى مراعاتها لمعايير النّشر الأخلاقيّة والمِهْنيّة العالية.
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Developed by Muhammad Shahzeb Ali