Journals & Proceedings المجلات والمؤتمرات

مجلة ريادة الاعمال الإسلامية

أهداف المجلة Journal objectives
Journal Objectives and Scope

JIE aims to publish and disseminate scientific research in the Arabic language that is characterized by originality and novelty in the area of Islamic Entrepreneurship, highlighting the latest developments and contributions of scholars, specialists, and university professors and strengthening the ties and connections between them.

The readership of the Journal of Islamic Entrepreneurship (JIE) includes scholars, researchers, students, policymakers, and practitioners interested in the field of Islamic entrepreneurship. This includes individuals and institutions interested in understanding the unique features of Islamic entrepreneurship, such as the role of Islamic values, ethics, and principles in shaping entrepreneurial behavior and practices in Muslim societies. The journal provides a platform for scholars and practitioners to share their research and insights on a wide range of topics related to Islamic entrepreneurship, such as business models, financing, marketing, and innovation. The readership of the journal is global, and it includes individuals from academia, business, and government agencies who are interested in promoting and supporting the development of Islamic entrepreneurship in different regions of the world.

JIE aims to publish original research in the following areas:

Maqasid al-Sharia and entrepreneurship,

Social creativity in Islamic societies,

Innovation and entrepreneurship,

Zakat and Islamic endowment,

Islamic insurance and takaful,

Business systems in Islam,

Islamic economics in different branches,

Islamic education,

Women, leadership, and trade in Islamic societies,

Social leadership in Islamic societies,

Charity and volunteer work,

Small and entrepreneurial projects,

Business Incubators,

Youth projects and initiatives,

Government and popular initiatives,

Entrepreneurial environment and culture,

The role of entrepreneurship in development,

Regulations, laws, and entrepreneurship,

Challenges faced by entrepreneurs,

Entrepreneurship management,

Entrepreneurship and job opportunities,

الاهداف والمواضيع التي التي تغطيها المجلة
مقاصد الشريعة وريادة الاعمال
الإبداع  الاجتماعي  في المجتمعات الإسلامية
الابتكار وريادة الاعمال
الزكاة والوقف الاسلامي
التأمين الاسلامي والتكافل
نظم الأعمال في الإسلام
الاقتصاد الإسلامي  بفروعة المختلفة
التعليم  الإسلامي
المرأة والريادة والتجارة في المجتمعات الاسلامية
الريادة  الاجتماعية في المجتمعات الإسلامية
الاعمال الخيرية والتطوعية
المشاريع الصغيرة والريادية
حاضنات الاعمال
المشاريع والمبادرات الشبابية
المبادرات الحكومية والشعبية
بيئة وثقافة ريادة الاعمال
دور ريادة الاعمال في التنمية
الانظمة والقوانين وريادة الاعمال
التحديات التي يواجهها رواد الاعمال
ادارة ريادة الاعمال
الريادة وفرص العمل

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