Student Membership - Registeration


Since IIMA is a non-profit organization, it will endeavor whenever possible to reduce membership fees and costs. The following is an explanation of the fee and cost structure:

    1. Application and processing fees: 50 USD or equivalent. The fee entitles the candidate to use the designation IMA during the application period only, which last for the first 12 months of the application. Application forms can be acquired by contacting

    2. If application is successful, the fees for first year membership as IMA will be 100 USD annually & after that as long as membership status is maintained.

    3. IIMA reserves the right to change the fees. A notification will be given two months in advance of renewal and chartered Islamic marketers can choose not to renew if an updated fees structure is deemed unsuitable for them.


Please use the above form to register.

Once you register and become a registered member, you will be able to have unrestricted access to some of the content on our website. Registered users are given priority over unregistered users and therefore are able to get more from our site. We offer a whole range of services, which are detailed under each section or membership category.

If you would like to learn more about these memberships or any other details, please read about them on our website or please feel free to contact us through our contact us page. One of our executives will be able to assist you.

Helpful links:

Student Membership
Student Membership - Benefits

Please click here to make the payment.

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